
Today we went for the first hi-5 meet and greet. We have always been wanting to meet the hi-5 since Leshay really love Stevie but didn't have a chance to do it.
Today we did but Stevie was no longer in the group.
Leshay love to dance to hi-5 since young but have since move on to many other shows and cartoons. While didi on the other hand only starting loving to dance now.
He started dancing when the music when on.

Then Leshay wanted the hi-5 hands which cost 10 bucks, the person suggested to us to get the 29.90 pack which consist of much more stuff.
And oops I did it again LOL

After the performance we got to take pic with the hi-5 crew which were very friendly. I personally like tanika,  because she is Stevie's gf ma.

We walk around the mall, had some sogurt and these plates caught my eyes. So again I had to get them. Surprisingly the kids finish their meal up. Not sure if they were hungry or the plate did miracle. 

Looking forward to more adventure tomorrow 😍😍


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