A new start

I have decided to start a blog to write about my daily life. It might or might not interesting but I can always read through and 回味过去。

So to cut short, we went for nemo exibition yesterday at doby ghaut. It was a fun experience , maybe not for an adult but for me and my kids. They actually didn't want to leave that place.
Like every other events, you will need to spend 30 bucks to get your picture taken but nevertheless, rest of the activities are free! So bring your kids and hang out there!
Its located at doby ghaut atrim! Easy and convenient to access!

I just bought some utensils for the kids because they look too cute to resist ( I know I know I always say like that :P )

And to add to the fun! I made them matching wear for the event! 

And today, 

Many thanks to my little sister, my kids got a chance to enroll into the play doh work shop located at waterway point! 
They surely had a lot of fun!

And they contributed to the largest playdoh cake!

Enjoy your weekends 😍😍


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